Children’s and Youth Ministry

All ministries to children and youth at St. Richard’s are scripture driven and immersed in prayer. We are undertaking God’s work. Our mission is to help children and youth develop lasting and fulfilling relationships with God and become Christ centred in all that they undertake.
Tweenies (toddlers – Pre-school)

Tweenies is parent-led. Part way through the 10 a.m. service, Tweenies and their supervising parents move to a safe space where children have the freedom to move about and play with toys. We encourage parents to include age appropriate stories and songs and undertake scripture-related activities with their children. It is an opportunity for parents to connect with each other and build relationships.
SCUBA (Seeking Christ through Understanding, Believing and Action) – for Primary school aged children.

Children spend time both in church where they experience formal worship and the traditions of the Anglican church. Time is also spent in the hall where they have more space to talk, interact, share, build relationships, and move about whilst undertaking extended learning and craft activities related to the children’s talk.
YOUTH CONNECT (connecting with Christ, with each other and the community)

YOUTH CONNECT Meets on the first Sunday of each month during the 10 a.m. service (school term). The group time is scripture driven and members are encouraged to become disciples for Christ through conversation, discussion. getting to know each other, and prayer. It is a time of allowing and encouraging youth to have a voice and to listen to their opinions.
As a church we are constantly seeking ways in which to best serve young people as they explore their relationship with God through the Holy Spirit, and to encourage them in their walk with Christ.
Safe Ministry
Safe Ministry exists to ensure that our church environments, our spaces, leaders and culture, are safe.
St. Richard’s has a commitment to being a safe environment for all with particular emphasis on the safety of children and vulnerable people.
As a member of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide, we have implemented the General Synod Standards for Safe Ministry and Child Safe Standards as per the legal requirements set by the Federal and South Australian State Governments and the National Anglican Church.
Congregation members working in designated roles must be certified in safe ministry education.
Vision 2022
The Anglican Diocese of Adelaide states the following:
Our Vision and our yearning is that over the next five years we will be a Diocese of flourishing Anglican communities, united and connected, whose members are confident and competent to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
As part of the Diocese we, at St. Richard’s strive to develop and uphold the four areas of this vision
– Growth in Discipleship
– Flourishing Churches
– Innovation and Advocacy
– Leadership Development
Click here – Anglican Diocese of Adelaide – Vision 2022 for further information
Western Connection
St Richard’s has joined with its sister church, St Bede’s in Semaphore as part of the Vision 2022 churches strategy to be more united and connected. It is hoped we will be able to grow this connection led by lay people with other Anglican parishes in the western district of Adelaide.

The united and connected initiative called Western Connection aims for our churches to flourish as we move into our post-pandemic church life, sharing our gifts and resources, increasing connections, friendships and strength as we learn more about each other and find ways to connect using the gifts of the spirit we are blessed with.